Register your domain/IP for verification

When you have been requested please register your domain/IP in our verification database here.

Generate Text Entry for DNS

We ask you to input the domain or target IP and your email address. We auto fill your verification code. You must submit this to us.

You can download the verification code to your device, the download file will be time date stamped.

Once you have submitted this code to us you must follow the following steps, after these steps you must you must request a validation again, this matches your original registration with the current state of your DNS or IP.

For domains - Updating your DNS with our verification code.

1. Log in to your domain registrar or DNS provider's control panel.
2. Find the option to add a new TXT record or host record.
3. If you DNS provider asks for a name of the TXT record add in:
4. Create a new TXT record and enter the following value: one-time-verification=77ce7cee-f363-4aba-a49a-20889d3eb0c2 <-- in this case we show the generated record above, YOU MUST ADD YOUR UNIQUE GENERATED CODE not this code.
5. Set your TTL to auto.
6. Save the changes, and the DNS update will propagate within the next 24-48 hours

Our Domain Verification Page is a simple enter your domain and code form that allows you to verify in our database that you have successfully implemented our code. Once we receive this verification we will commence your Penetration Test. If we do not receive your verification within 24hours we will delete your test from our test queue, we will inform you of this action.

Having Trouble updating your DNS?

Here are the links to registrars and DNS providers txt entry implementation  instructions. Please note we do not provide support for this process.


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